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My name's Sam Kelleher, and I am a Senior Full-Stack Web Developer / Software Architect based in London. This website mostly contains a sample of work from my portfolio, tips, and best practices for building web applications.

Page 3 of Standard posts

7 best-practicies and privacy considerations to follow when choosing a CDN provider

Using content distribution networks (CDNs) to globally distribute static assets for your website or web appoication, such as it's images, JavaScript files, videos and downloads etc, is increasingly common. It's common because they are reliable systems, cheap to use, easy to get setup on, and take a chunk of work off developers from having to build and maintain these systems themselves. I've devised a list of seven tips and best-practicies to look out for when picking which company should be your CDN provider. Read more...

Top 10 changeable factors that influence programmer productivity

There are a number of often overlook factors that influence the productivity of a programmer. Many of them can be changed but are many that can be addressed before the working relationship turns sour. Read more...

Backbone + Marionette GitHub Repository List - Sample Application

Backbone + Marionette GitHub Repository List - Sample Application

Sometimes the best way to learn something is to study each component separately, this gives us a true in depth skill on how something specific works. However, putting these components together to make a full featured application is another ball game entirely. I've always maintained that Software Engineering isn't difficult, but it can be complicated - as a typical application will consume numerous different technologies from development stages, to deployment, to runtime. It's putting all these modules together that is the hard part. Read more...