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My name's Sam Kelleher, and I am a Senior Full-Stack Web Developer / Software Architect based in London. This website mostly contains a sample of work from my portfolio, tips, and best practices for building web applications.

All posts tagged eCommerce

Whitelabel Retail + In-Store Functionality

Whitelabel Retail + In-Store Functionality

Eastern Mountain Sports is a physical and online sportswear retailer located in the north-eastern United States. Following an acquisition of EMS by my employer, Sports Direct International, the Research and Development arm of SDI had the opportunity to re-platform their e-commerce property from Demandware (now known as Salesforce Cloud) to something of our own choosing. Reaction Commerce is a startup of a few years based in Santa Monica, California. They build a Meteor based, semi headless e-commerce platform called Reaction, with a GraphQL API and plugin architecture at its core. Read more...

React Isomorphic eCommerce Retail Experience

React Isomorphic eCommerce Retail Experience

A new Isomorphic React website that I describe as dumb, in that very little processing is done in storefront itself, instead, transactions are handed off to the API wherever possible. The goals that the website had to achieve was basically to not be Demandware. It should be uncoupled and agnostic from the datasource in all instances. It should be extremely fast, reliable, simple, and also customisable and theme-able. An anonymised responsive webpage is generated dynamically for each request, utilising significant in-app caching, and is frontend on the edge using Cloudflare which means the consumer gets a very fast and rapid render of the page, so even if the script takes a load to kick in on their browser, it happens before they begin to start interacting with the page. Read more...

Fashion Retailer iOS App + Backend

Fashion Retailer iOS App + Backend

Stared this project from using the same code base developed for ASOS China in Spring 2016 for a London based agency on behalf of their client Oasis Stores, a ladies fashion wear, which also had physical stores in the UK. This project was designed to utilise existing development for a fast turn around, but had new functionality such as in-store stock, reserve online, and collect in store. This Cordova powered runs iOS devices.This project was more of an exercise in re-usability of a codebase than developing new tech. While there were some new features, this is essentially a rebranding of an existing app, and repurposing while retaining existing features. The backend for this was a NodeJS HAPI API which worked as an interim layer between the customers iPhone and the stores backend, which in this case, was Demandware. Read more...

ASOS中国 - Hybrid iOS and Android eCommerce App

ASOS中国 - Hybrid iOS and Android eCommerce App

Stared this project from scratch in Spring 2015 for a London based agency on behalf of their client ASOS China. Following a similar design to the UK iOS app, this Cordova powered runs on both Android and iOS devices, in both orientations, on both mobile and tablet.Making pure JavaScript single page applications is one thing, with it's own set of complexities and challenges; but doing the equivalent for a JavaScript app that will function only in a mobile environment brings with it an entire new set of challenges. These are specifically related to the user interface. The app still has to retain the gesture recognition and actions found in native applications, and perform will full buttery smooth animations expected from real applications. Read more...

Quick and easy credit card payment page

Quick and easy credit card payment page

This simple, static, and responsive payment page allows customers to simply enter the value they need to pay and enter their payment information and complete payment with a single click. Read more...

Calendar Based Booking System

Calendar Based Booking System

This online booking and availability system has the functionality to show to both customers and staff members the same UI but with different enabled functionality. Staff can use the same system to view availability with granular detail, and book on behalf of customers (such as over the phone), while customers can use the system to book themselves. By using this adaptive UI technique saves time and costs as no separate 'staff only' system is required to make bookings. Read more...