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My name's Sam Kelleher, and I am a Senior Full-Stack Web Developer / Software Architect based in London. This website mostly contains a sample of work from my portfolio, tips, and best practicies for building web applications, and reviews + photos of food and hotels in London.

Realtime two-way Android based Safety Monitor tablet.

Realtime two-way Android based Safety Monitor tablet.

An Android powered tablet client application that uses Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to establish a two way realtime connection (using XMPP via the Android OS) to receive and relay events for essential safety monitoring. Due to the volume of data driven, and the number of simultaneous connections; it was essential this Android app would scale and be able to deliver and function 100% of the time, never with a chance of user data loss. The data could be processed in a powerful C# .NET backend. The server-side XMPP connection to GCM was also a C# .NET Worker Role, running in Microsoft Azure.

This was a side project in relation to the larger monitoring system I was constructed to build in 2014 using the .NET platform. The entire backend was built on the powerful Notification Hub services provided by Azure, which when linked to GCM using a .NET Worker Role, enabled the app to queue and process a large volume of data in real time conditions.

The Android app includes a simple and elegant design that I put together myself using Adobe Illustrator. Taking inspiration from a flat traffic-light style pallet and branding UI components to match their web based counterpart.  For such a simple white label application - it was important that the user interface is consistent between the web and native mobile applications to that end users could enjoy a familiar experience, and their companies would need to give little training.

In Category Portfolio/Tags   AndroidMobile