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My name's Sam Kelleher, and I am a Senior Full-Stack Web Developer / Software Architect based in London. This website mostly contains a sample of work from my portfolio, tips, and best practicies for building web applications, and reviews + photos of food and hotels in London.



Love this place, there is something for everyone, it's central, quick instant satisfaction. It's kitted out like a nice romantic restaurant, but then has this food boat self-service deli style. Just walk in and grab a free table, then get a hot plate and choose what you want from the food boat. Your plate is then weighed and then charged. A full plate large portion comes in at about £13. The great thing here is the choice. There is loads of options to choose from, the selection is changed all the time. So coming here week after week always promises something new, where as other restaurants stay the same old same old for months on end. Considering how central it is, it's great to walk in and have a full delicious meal within 5 minutes. It's always very busy, but there is always a table somewhere around.

In Category City Expert/Tags   VegetarianLondonFood