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My name's Sam Kelleher, and I am a Senior Full-Stack Web Developer / Software Architect based in London. This website mostly contains a sample of work from my portfolio, tips, and best practicies for building web applications, and reviews + photos of food and hotels in London.

Architecture (External) Posts - Page 3

More London Estates

More London Estates

A really modern, spacious, and clean estate with large office structures. What makes this place special is the view - being along side the river it's directly in front of Tower Bridge, with all to see from Tower of London to the City's skyscrapers just opposite. There are fountains in the floor that are very popular with children. A nice selection of fine restaurants keeps this place busy into the evening. Read more...

Think London Bridge Apartments

Think London Bridge Apartments

So close to Tower Bridge and easy access to tube, I stay here all the time. There are a few different buildings within this complex. A refurbished and restored old vinegar factory and the modem purpose build glass structure. Both buildings are equally nice though, many have a balcony offering nice views. Read more...

Potters Fields Park

Potters Fields Park

The garden is in two parts, the wild foliage part towards Tooley Street - then the lawn area along the walk offering views of the Shard, City Hall, Tower Bridge and the City. This is a nice park to come and relax, admire the old and new buildings, get a coffee and chat. Since they built the new apartment complex, the park does now feel a bit overlooked and sandwiched between the two large glass structure, but it makes a nice contrast, and it's still nice to go wandering through it anyway. It's quiet, and there is loads of seating available. Read more...